Tuesday, August 11, 2009

There and Back Again - session recaps for three weeks

This is a sketch of events:

Orvalion gave two choices of teleport destination, and the players chose the small, seedy port town.

They fought a troll spider and got some animal-transformation-themed magic items.

In town, they were mistaken for another group of adventurers, and told to stay indoors. The other group of adventurers swapped stories with them, and taught them a teleportation trick. They claimed that they were going to explore the edges of the map, from which no one had returned before.

The party secured passage on The Suffering Bastard, with Captain Barnabus. The other party left port with a Jack Sparrow look-alike on the same day as our heroes. The other party were pursued by someone who was very angry with them. Jen asked why our group wasn't in their campaign. The two boats set sail at right angles to each other.

On the fourth day out, the party noticed a vertical shaft of light out beyond the horizon, roughly in the direction the other party went. Hours later, rough waves slapped at their ship.

One of the Suffering Bastard's crewmembers stabbed another sailor, and was sentenced to keel-hauling. The party healed the stabbed man, but left his scars so that he would not be dishonored. After the keel-hauling, they healed the other man, but erased his scars.

In the deep ocean, Orvalion deployed the submersible ritual platform and spent a few hours performing the ritual. When he was finished, the mallet head had been compressed a bit (it was solid adamantium to begin with!) and the party teleported off of the ship back to his hideout.

From there, they teleported to the ancient lair of Casmet Parthanak's first dragon domination. It was guarded by basilisks, and Xakoraki and Ander were turned to stone. The party made a fighting retreat up to the secret lair, where they were able to find ritual scrolls that removed the affliction from the stoned party members.

The party now needs to help Orvalion activate and calibrate the special mirrors so that he can finally destroy the dragonstone.