Thursday, January 28, 2010

Precious Cargo - 12/2 session recap

The high priestess Rillani came to speak to Thoric, and told him of a way that might bring back Kendrini. Back in the days when Maazuni was first built, Linitheriva's avatar walked in the flesh. When she departed for the astral plane once again, her mortal remains became a beautiful statue of marble with a heart of ruby. The statue itself was known to produce miracles. The ruby, known now as the Heart of Linitheriva, was stolen by the Yuan-Ti when they sacked the city about 1500 years ago, and has not been seen since. If the players were to recover it, Kendrini might be raised by the power of love during the re-consectration ceremony. Sadly, Rillani had no firm leads on the heart's whereabouts, and could only say that it would probably be in a temple belonging to the Yuan-Ti, out in the mountainous jungles to the southeast.

A half-elven man came calling at the inn, and introduced himself as Djim. He said that his master was looking for someone to guard a shipment heading downriver to Ngabulu. It turned out that his master was Jemboko Pzwani, one of the two magisters in Maazuni. After some preliminary negotiations with Ander, Jemboko offered 40 platinum pieces per person for the job, a two and half week trip downriver with a valuable cargo to protect. Not only were there rare herbal ingredients and a shipment of platinum, but also a wealthy merchant's daughter, heading downriver to be married in Ngabulu.

The daughter's name was Kiosi, and Jemboko said that she was only 16 and full of energy. She was looking for adventure, and Jemboko was trying to make sure that she didn't find it. He said he was hiring outsiders because Kiosi might try to use her political status to sway the regular guards. The party's job was to see that she got there safely, along with the other cargo.

When asked why they didn't simply teleport her there, he said that the official teleport circle was in the middle of the river delta swamp to the south of Ngabulu, and represented a danger. But more importantly, he was trying to placate Kiosi, who wanted a final adventure before settling down as a wife of a merchant.

Jemboko also asked the party to pass his regards to Vrisana. He had been informed of the situation by Caelebhan, but did not really see eye to eye with him, and refused to be coerced. He also said that this played a part in his wanting to hire the party, as he knew that anyone who could kick sand in Caelebhan's eye would be quite competent indeed.

Thoric meditated for a day, and found that he could sense the heart of Linitheriva, or at least its general direction.

In the middle of the night on the second day, Djim collected the party and they set out on their river adventure.

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